Florida's Prenatal Screen
Florida's Prenatal Screen is a voluntary screen available to all expecting mothers. The purpose of this screen is to identify pregnant women who may benefit from home visiting services to improve pregnancy and birth outcomes for moms and babies such as:
Health problems
Low birth weight
Pre-term birth
Developmental delays
Home visiting programs utilize evidence-based models to provide education and care coordination within local communities. If participating in the screen, a mom may have access to support services available in her community. Based on the responses to the screen, the following home visiting services may be available:
Prenatal Education & Support
Home visiting individual support for mothers and fathers
Childbirth education
Doula services
Nutrition education
Preparations for baby’s arrival
Care coordination and connection to local services
Between pregnancies education & support
Planning for future pregnancies
Education on the family planning waiver
Education on contraception options
Free confidential screenings and referrals to community supports
Substance use
Tobacco use
Intimate partner violence
Health Care Providers
Every prenatal care provider in the State of Florida is required by section 383.14, Florida Statutes, to offer all pregnant women the prenatal screen at their first prenatal visit. By consenting to the prenatal screen, expecting moms may qualify for helpful support during and after pregnancy.
To register your facility for the digital version of Florida's Prenatal Screen please visit: www.floridahealth.gov/prenatalscreenapp/register.
If you are a health care provider or hospital/birthing facility and want more information on how you can ensure your compliance with Florida Statutes, call 850-245-4465.